Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wellness, my ass.

Runkeeper is synced to MyFitnessPal. Inspired by the extra pounds that have leeped upon my scale during the last six weeks, I began to write a status update. Status updates are designed to keep followers updated on our progress and to provide a place for our group to support and advise one another. Typical updates are one or two lines like "Fell off the wagon, but getting back on it today" or at least this is what they have been within my circle of two. The few updates that I write are really written to me from me and serve to inspire me into action and control.

This morning I began writing the equivalent of a blog post on where I am at in my journey of wellness. While my kids played, I sipped coffee and attempted to get a handle on my life. It was a good post and one that was begin crafted on an mobile apple accessed via my iPhone, one that I was lost before saving.

The update which was never posted did inspire me. It inspired me -  despite the early rumblings of an oncoming migraine headache and the looming countdown to when child care service at the local WOW ended - to get off my bottom, gather my kids, and go to the gym even if for 30 minutes.